Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Believe" 2009- Marigold Caps


“Run your fingers through my soul. For once,
just once,
feel exactly what I feel,
believe what I believe,
perceive as I perceive,
look, experience, examine, and for once;
just once, understand.”
- anonymous

Fall Marigold Caps are on the way!

"Believe" 2009 - in the beauty of who we are as women!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's hard for me to believe I have to say good-bye to seems too soon! I have been fighting like crazy to hold on to the carefree fun that comes with Summer. A few times, I've even tried to convince my children to stay home from school...of course they refuse! Last weekend, we spent a beautiful summer evening at a friends house where the children played and we sat in the backyard and visited with one another longer than we should have. My son fought like crazy not to let the night end, however, tired eyes and body finally gave way. His shirt says it best - going...going...GONE.... I guess the saying is true that all good things must come to an end...So I say goodbye to a summer filled with memories I treasure and look forward to the Fall and the festivities that come with this season.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

"I will be with you."

This week my daughter came home with school work containing the words I needed so desperately to read and to feel!

The title of her paper was
"I Discover God's Message to Moses"

At the bottom it read
"I will be with you."

These words so simple, spoke volumes to me. I needed to know God was near and that just as he was with Moses, he is with me...close to wrap his loving arms around me. As usual, I am easy to weep and weep is what I did...
"I will be with you...was such a comfort to me.

He is with us...

as we face our fears,
and deal with daily life.
when we face heartache,
or struggle with life choices.
when we are in pain,
as we try to raise our children,
or care for those who are sick.
in the quiet,
in the noise.
in the peace,
and in the storm.
in the joy,
and in the tears.

"I will be with you."

A label...

A new order of Marigold labels arrived in the mail this week. Lisa with does a great job.

I was happy to have the new order of labels as I have spent many hours sewing labels on caps in preparation for store orders, trunk shows and internet orders.

I have come to love more each day what the Marigold label represents - the brightness and versatility of all women.

Everyday, I have the wonderful priviledge of experiencing and witnessing these qualities first hand when I visit with store owners, friends and mothers giving themselves everyday for their families, and in cancer survivors and those battling...

I see their brightness... as I visit my photographer Nellie as she holds and talks about her beautiful new baby girl...or when I see Lori shine as she uses her creative talent with her Pink Couch for the Cause. I see a treasured friend, a breast cancer survivor, shine brightly as a mother, sister, wife and friend. I see mothers and friends teach our children and coach our teams.

I witness their versatility and strength when I see a friend battle terminal cancer by volunteering her time and giving back to others with her words of encouragement. I see a friend, mother and grandmother pour her passion and life's work into raising money for cancer research and education. I see their strength as the they run companies, paint a beautiful sunset, give birth to new life, capture a moment on film and embrace a hurting child.

Through these women I want to live more brightly. Marigold is forever influenced and changed by each story and encounter. We believe in you.